Sunday, May 11, 2008

For the topic of my essay I have decided to cover the iPhone and BlackBerrys in their places in today’s communication filled world. I am going to be looking at the advancement of mobile technology since it's creation. I will also be asking the question of whether or not iPhones and BlackBerrys have helped society or hurt it. I will be looking at the history or mobile communication and compare the early stage mobile phones to the PDAs of today. I will also look at the impact that mobile phones have had on society.
I have been looking at both iPhones and BlackBerrys to see the features and technologies that both have. I have also been comparing them to the first mobile phones. I'm not going to go through every aspect of the history but I will cover some major landmarks in the history of the mobile phone. I will be looking at all of the features that todays 'super phones' have and discuss their relevance and necessity.
I have found many resources that I will be using to compare today's technology to yesterday's. I will be using two resources from the same website; one is reviewing the iPhone and the other is reviewing a BlackBerry PDA. I have also found some websites on the Apple web page itself that will help me the iPhone part of my essay. I will also be using information that I have found directly on the BlackBerry website. I am using these sites because they are guaranteed to be accurate in their information and are the most useful when searching for infon on their own products. I will also be using some websites that contain the history of the mobile phone.,239025953,339272960,00.htm,239036203,240060486,00.htm,C221,P883

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